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Membership FAQs


Want to join all the fun? Here are some basic questions and answers about that very topic.


How much are dues?

DFWCG dues are $15 annually. Family dues are $20 for everyone in the family.


How do I join?

Click the Join or Renew Membership link in the main menu!


What other information do I need to send in when I join?

When you pay your membership dues through PayPal, your contact information is automatically included with your payment. If your address is different please click the plus sign next to "Comments, Current Address" (below the item you are paying for) and fill it out before you click the Pay button.


If you choose to pay by cash or money order, you need to send the Membership Form along with your payment so we can update our records accordingly.


How will I know when my membership is in effect?

New members will receive a membership card in the mail. When your yearly membership is about to expire, you will receive a notice from our treasurer giving you the option to renew your membership.


What kind of costuming is appropriate for this group?

We have members interested in all kinds of costumes!
Some of our historical costuming interests include 18th c., Regency, Victorian, Edwardian, Regency, Civil War re-enactment, Cowboy (i.e. SASS), 20th c. retro, Renaissance (i.e. RenFaire), and Medieval (i.e. SCA). Our members also enjoy non-historical costuming such as Steampunk, Anime/Cosplay, Sci-fi, Fantasy (including "LARP"), TV/Movie reproductions, Comicbook, etc.

Basically if you make costumes, want to make costumes, or just enjoy wearing costumes of any kind... come on in!


Do I need to be a paid member of the DFWCG in order to come to classes or events?

No. All classes and events are open to the public, and we love for new people to drop in at any time. However, a guild membership will give you a discounted price on class and event fees. But even more importantly, your support will also help the guild afford to do more elaborate programming in the future.


What types of events do you have?

Our goal is to provide a variety of workshops, lectures, and costumed events throughout the year, so be sure to check out our Events page to see the upcoming activities that we have planned. You can also check our Yahoo Group to learn about other local costuming events that our members are attending informally.


Who do I contact if I have a suggestion for a class or event?

We love to get new ideas or requests for guild activities! Our President is in charge of all event planning. You can reach her at


When do you meet?

Check our upcoming events page for the most up-to-date information on our events.


Can you tell me more about the Guild business meetings?

Our business meetings are held twice a year.  They are open to all members or potential members, and we work on event planning and a variety of "behind the scenes" business. These meetings are held at a variety of locations, so check the upcoming events page for more info.

This is the official website of the DFW Costumers Guild/DFWCG, and is maintained by the DFWCG webmaster. Please report any errors by clicking on the Contact Us link in the main menu.

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